64-Pin Boardmount Sockets

Image of sockets in packaging showing polarization bump and gold flashed pins.

An Array of Unmounted Sockets


Technical Data
How to Order


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The 3M 8564-4500PL 64-pin boardmount socket that has been used on CableEye CB boards (interface fixtures) since 1994 was discontinued by 3M in February 2017.

We found a replacement socket, described on this page, which is even better than the 3M 8564-4500P in fit and high voltage qualities. You may order these directly from CAMI Research whether or not you own a CableEye tester.

Photo showing socket mounted onto a CableEye CB Board, and two views of an unmounted socket.
Boardmount Socket, Item 855

Technical Data

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Technical Drawing of Polarized Boardmount Socket that replaces 3M 8564-4500PL, and of Recommended PCB Layout

How to Order

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Item 855, 64-pin Boardmount Socket ....... 9.95 USD each

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Provide three trade and a bank reference to set up Net 30 terms. Minimum order $50.00. Email or Fax your order; we will ship stocked items within two business days of receipt of order.

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We will take VISA/MasterCard/American Express if you prefer. Minimum order Qty 2. Call, email, or fax your order. We will ship stocked items within two business days of receipt of order.

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